Gann Square Markers

Author: Optuma Team Last updated: Nov 7, 2022 19:54
Included in Gann Edition Included in Astro Edition


The Gann Square Marker tool lets you select a point on any chart from which a number of custom calculations can be projected both forwards or backwards in price and time (including Astro). There are over 30 mathematical functions available (see below) to build the formulas with an easy to use interface that allows you to calculate in seconds what would otherwise take hours.

See also: Gann Square Range Marker

In the example below the GSM has been applied to the October 2014 low of the SPX (1820.66) using a Price Unit of 1 with the solid red vertical lines drawn 182 bars apart (calculated in the Level 1 formula Price * 0.1). The red dashed lines show the harmonic thirds (approx 61 bars).

The green horizontal price levels are drawn at Price + SQRT(Price), ie 1820.66 + 42.67, with the markers repeated:



A complete list of mathematical functions that can be used in the Expression is available below (eg SQRT, TAN, ABS, etc).

To add the tool to your chart, select the tool from the Gann tool group, and left-click on the bar on the chart you wish to calculate the tool from. Optuma will then draw the tool using the default settings.

Actions & Properties



Add to Toolbar: Adds the selected tool to your custom toolbar.

Apply Settings to All: When multiple Gann Square Markers tools have been applied to a chart, page or workbook, this action can be used to apply the settings of the one selected to other instances of the tool. This is a great time saver if an adjustment is made to the tool - such as line colour - as this allows all the other Gann Square Markers tools in the chart, page or entire workbook to be updated instantly.

Copy Tool: Allows you to copy the selected tool, which can then be pasted onto a different chart window.

Move to Back: If the tool is displaying in front of other tools or indicators clicking this action will move the tool view to the background.

Move to Front: If the tool is displaying behind other tools or indicators on the chart, clicking this action will bring the tool to the forefront.

Set Time Alert: Selecting this action will set a Time Alert at the value the Vertical Line is positioned.

Restore Default Settings: Click this action if you have adjusted the default settings of the tool, and wish to return to the standard properties originally installed with Optuma.

Save Settings as Default: If you have adjusted any of the tool’s properties (colour, for example) you can save the adjustments as your new default setting. Each time you apply a new Gann Square Markers to a chart, the tool will display using the new settings.

Delete: Deletes the tool from the chart.



Tool Name: Allows you to adjust the name of the tool, as it’s displayed in the Structure Panel.

Levels: This window is used to enter your custom formulas into the Gann Square Markers tool.

  • Expression - This is where the formula is entered, e.g. Price*0.1, Price*TAN(30), SQR(Price)*0.1
  • Weight - Some projections are more important than others. This setting allows you to increase / decrease the importance of the projection.
  • Type - Determines whether the projection is for time or price.
  • Harmonics - divides the markers into thirds or eighths, or both.
  • Time Control - If Time is the selected Type, this drop-down list lets you select the units of time used in the projection (Bars, Calendar Days, Minutes, etc).
  • Line Style - Use this option to adjust the width, style (dotted, dashed, etc) or colour of the marker.


Use Chart’s Price Unit: By default, the price unit of the chart is used in the tool calculation. Untick the box to manually adjust the value in the Price Unit property.

Price Unit: This option is available when the Use Chart’s Price Unit box is unticked (see above). Enter a new value to manually determine what one unit of price is equal to in the tool’s calculation (eg 0.1). For more information please click here.

Repeat Markers: Tick this box to repeat the markers on the chart.

Marker Repeat Count: Sets the number of times the markers are drawn on the chart.

Price Direction: The horizontal price markers can be drawn either up, down or in both directions.

Time Direction: The vertical time markers can be drawn either forward, in reverse or in both directions.

Label Alignment: The labels can be placed in different positions in relation to the Gann Square Marker lines. There are 8 options available: Top Left, Top Right, Centre Top, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Centre Bottom, Centre Left and Centre Right.

Show Labels: When selected Date and value labels (where applicable) will be displayed for each Gann Square Marker line.

Base Line Style: This allows you to adjust the horizontal and vertical base line styles, their width and colours. There are 8 styles available: Solid, Dots, Dash, Dash Dots, Long Dash, Long Dash Dot, Long Dash Dot Dot. The line widths can be increased by moving the slider bar to the right and Stippled.

Thirds Line Style: This allows you to adjust the line style of the Thirds harmonic division, their width and colours.

Eighths Line Style: This allows you to adjust the line style of the Eighths harmonic division, their width and colours.

Tool Transparency: Use this slider bar to adjust the transparency of the tool. Moving the slider to the left will increase the transparency.

Visible: Un-tick this checkbox to hide the tool from the chart.

Geo/Helio/Sidereal: This option is available with the Astronomical module only. For calculations using planetary angles / positions, etc, this setting allows you to select the style of ephemeris used (geocentric, heliocentric, topocentric or sidereal).

More Information

Functions / Expressions List

**Function** **Description**
+ Addition
- Subtraction
\* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Power Of
DIV Eg. 10 div 3 = 3
MOD Eg. 10 mod 3 = 1 // *returns the remainder*
TAN Tangent
SIN Sine
COS Cosine
SINH Hyperbolic Sine
COSH Hyperbolic Cosine
ARCTAN Arc Tangent (Radians)
COTAN Cotangent
ARG Argument of the Point
PRICE Price the indicator is applied to
EXP Exponential
LN Common Logarithm
LOG10 Base 10 Logarithm
LOG2 Base 2 Logarithm
SQR Square
SQRT Square Root
ABS Absolute (modify a negative result into a positive (ie -10 to 10)
TRUNC Truncate (ie 10.1234 would be adjusted to 10)
INT Integer (adjusts the result value to an Integer)
FLOOR Rounds the value down to the nearest Integer (ie 3.5 = 3)
CEIL Rounds the value up to the nearest Integer (ie 3.5 = 4)
RND Random Number (ie RND(5.7) = Random Number \* 5)
MAX ie MAX(10, 20) = 20
MIN ie MIN(10, 20) = 10
PH Phase (ie PH(10) = ( 2 \* pi) \* (10 - round(10)) = - 1.835)
SQ9 Square of 9 (ie SQ9(10, 45)) *// 10 is the value, 45 is the degree value*
POWER ie Power(10, 2) = 100
LOGN ie LOGN(2, 3) = LN(3) / LN(2) *// Log base 2, to the value 3.*