Navigating Pages

Author: Optuma Team Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 05:11


There are several methods available for navigating between workbook pages:

Method 1

Simply locate the page tab you want to view, and left-click it once. The chart for that page tab will then be displayed in the charting window.

Method 2

Located on the top right-hand side of the chart window are a number of page control buttons.


The arrow icons can be used to move to the next / previous page tab located in the workbook by left-clicking once.

By left-clicking and holding one of these arrows, a list of all the codes in the workbook will drop down. Left-click on the page tab to quickly move to the chart you wish to view.


Method 3

Located on the top right-hand side of the chart window are a number of page control buttons. The Page Search feature gives you the ability to search the entire workbook, including page tabs, layer names, and text labels placed on the chart itself.


To search for an item, left-click on the Page Search icon, and enter the text into the search window (e.g. the code or company name). As you type a list of matching items will display:


Left-click on the page tab you wish to view, and it will be displayed in the charting window.

Method 4

If your mouse has a scroll wheel you can use this to quickly scroll the page tabs at the top of the chart. Simply place your cursor on a page tab and move the wheel up to scroll left and down to scroll right.

Method 5

Optuma includes a feature called Thumbnail View. For detailed information on this please click here.