The STOCHSCAN function contains a number of preset criteria which can be used. So rather than having to build the criteria manually using several STOCH() functions, you can use a single function, which is faster.
For example, instead of:
STOCH().%D CrossesAbove STOCH().%K
You could use:
STOCHSCAN(SCANFOR=%K CrossesBelow %D) Matches
The available criteria are:
- %K CrossesAbove %D
- %K CrossesBelow %D
- %D CrossesAbove
- %D CrossesBelow
- %D TurnsUp - Below
- %D TurnsDown - Above
- %K CrossesAbove
- %K CrossesBelow
- %K TurnsUp - Below
- %K TurnsDown - Above
By default, on our stochastic indicators, the %K line is green and the %D line is blue. The STOCHSCAN function defualts to a Fast Stochastic, but can be changed to be Slow via the Type variable:
The Matches operator turns the script into a Boolean result (True/False), which is required by the scanning manager. So, for the following example:
STOCHSCAN(TYPE=Slow, SCANFOR=%K TurnsDown - Above, VALUE=50.000) Matches
This would show a true result for any code where the Slow Stochastics %K line (green) turns down and its value is above 50.
Download Scan¶
Attached to this article is a workbook that we have made with examples of each of the available setups.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team.