Symbol List Manager
The Symbol List Manager allows the import of security symbol lists from either CSV files, Bloomberg Portfolios, Excel spreadsheets or SQL databases. This list can then be used as a source to create anything in Optuma from Watchlists to Relative Rotation Graphs®, and can also be used for scans or system tests.
Automatic Optuma Symbol Lists are also available, which contain the constituent symbols of a number of global indices, including ASX200, FTSE100, DAX, MSCI Japan, NSE Nifty, S&P 500 and industry sectors, and the TSX Composite. These can be enabled as part of your data subscription.
To access the Symbol list Manager go to the File menu and select Open Symbol List, or click on the Symbol Lists tab on the Security Selection window.
Optuma Symbol Lists
Listed under Optuma Lists are a number of indices and US sectors. Depending on the exchanges you have enabled on your subscription will depend on the symbol lists you see. For example, you will need a US data subscription to see the S&P500, Russell 1000, or US industry ETF components, or Hong Kong data to see the members of the Hang Seng Index. To modify your data subscription or add the Optuma Symbol List option sign in to your account page and scroll down to the data section.
The lists will be updated automatically regularly to account for delistings and additions.
Clicking on the list name will display the list of members on the right, which can be opened as a Watchlist, RRG, or using a saved Page Layout under the Open List As… button.
Optuma Symbol Lists with Historical Data
We have a number of Optuma Symbol Lists with survivorship-bias free data available. Based on the data that we have available, the dates that we have reliable historical data for will vary. You can find a full list of all Optuma Symbol Lists with historical data available, and the dates that they can be reliable used, at the link below:
Creating a Manual List
To create a manual security list click the New button, then select Manual List.
A new Manual List will be added to the My Lists group in the Symbol List Manager. The first step is to give your new Manual List a name, for this example, a list called Banks has been created.
After the Manual List has been named, the next step is to add securities to the list. Left-click on the right-hand side of the Symbol Manager and then simply type the name or code of the security you wish to add to the list.
Importing a CSV File
To import a CSV file as a security list click the New button then select CSV File.
The following dialogue box will display, you will need to navigate to the location of your CSV file.
Select the CSV file then click Open.
The Import CSV File will now display, from here you can nominate the List Name. For this example, the CSV file is for the ASX Top 200. If the CSV file includes a header line, i.e. a row with headings then the File has header line check box needs to be ticked.
The next step is to select the columns from the data file. The fields that can be mapped are the Symbol, Fund Weight and Benchmark Weight.
For this example only the Symbol field is relevant, so click the Symbol then left click on the actual column that includes the symbol information as per the following image.
After the columns have been set click the Add File button.
If multiple matches are found for symbols in the CSV list, the first one found will be used by default unless the code has an exchange Suffix. The exchange suffix will be the exchanges short code (displayed on a charts title bar). For example, Wesfarmers on the ASX would use this suffix WES:ASX Where as MSFT would use this suffix MSFT:US.
The Top 200 list has now been added to the Symbol List Manager and is available for selection.
If you need to add or remove securities from the CSV list in the future left click the Open CSV button and the file will be automatically opened in Excel where you can make amendments.
Creating Manual Groups
Groups can be created manually and contain a variable selection of Symbol List types. For example you could have a group called Portfolios, and a second group called Financials and a third for International Symbols.
To create a new group, click the New button and select Group from the list.
Enter a name for the group and it will be added to the list. You can drag and drop existing lists to the new group, or create new lists directly under the group header name.
If you are subscribed to the Optuma Symbol Lists, they will automatically be added under the various continental lists, according to what data selections you have available on your account.
Importing Lists from other Sources
Note: Available in Professional and Enterprise Services only
Importing from ADO/ODBC
If you have an MYSQL or similar database then this can be linked to the Symbol List Manager.
Importing an Excel Spreadsheet
The importation of an Excel Spreadsheet is performed in the same manner as importing a CSV file.
You will need to choose the location of the Excel file and from there you can format the columns in the same manner as for the CSV file.
Importing a Bloomberg Index
If you are connected to Bloomberg then it is possible to easily add the components of an index using the Symbol List Manager. In the Index field enter the required Bloomberg symbol and the components of that index will be added as a list (eg type SPX Index to add all 500 companies that make up the S&P 500 to a Symbol List).
Importing a Bloomberg Portfolio
If you are connected to Bloomberg and have a Bloomberg Portfolio then this can be imported into Optuma via the Symbol List Manager.
You will require the Bloomberg Portfolio identification number in order to connect Optuma to the Portfolio.
The first segment of the following video will provide an example of connecting to a Bloomberg Portfolio.
Using the Symbol List
After you have created your Symbol List it can then be used to open charts from simple bar charts to the RRG and even Watchlists and Watchtiles.
Left-click on the list to select it then click Open List As… and select the desired chart style.
The Lists that you create can also be selected as a data source for the Scanning Manager.
If you are using a Watchlist, Watchtiles or the RRG then these can be linked to an existing List that you have created.
If you are using a list that is created from a Bloomberg Portfolio for example then your Watchlist will be automatically updated with any changes that you make to your Bloomberg Portfolio.
The workbook containing the chart needs to be reopened for the changes to take effect.
Deleting a Symbol List
If there is a list that you no longer require this can be removed from the Symbol List Manager. Roll your mouse over the list title that you wish to remove then click the red x that displays to delete the List.